National Public Interest Law
Trial & Hearing
Skills Training
For Lawyers
for our clients...
that’s what you’re about. And
to accomplish this, you believe that your work must be of exceptional
quality. Trial & Hearing Skills Training is designed especially for
you, legal services and public interest workers, with its positive,
personalized attention, cutting-edge learning methods and outstanding
Trial and Hearing Skills Training focuses
on presenting and arguing facts in a variety of court and hearing
contexts. The only training of its kind, we cover the fundamentals plus
give you the tools to “flex with the forum” so you are equally
effective before the judge who adheres strictly to each and every rule and
one who lets everything in and examines all the witnesses first. The
training concludes with lawyers doing a jury trial while advocates do an
administrative hearing -- in such a realistic setting that the real thing
pales by comparison.
Join us for a powerful, unforgettable
French, President
Benchmark Institute Foundation