Sexuality and People with Psychiatric Disabilities
Excerpt from a plenary address by
Judith A. Cook, Ph.D.,
Professor and Director, University of Illinois at Chicago,
National Research and Training Center on Psychiatric
Disability, at a conference on
Disability, Sexuality, and Culture:
Societal and Experiential Perspectives on Multiple
Identities, San Francisco State University, San Francisco,
CA, March 17-18, 2000. Find the full article
here. |
Who are people with psychiatric disabilities? |
People with impairments (which some
call symptoms) such as psychosis (being out of touch with
reality), obsessions (ideas that one cannot stop thinking
about), compulsions (behaviors one can't stop performing),
depression (feeling sad most of the time on most days),
and cognitive processing difficulties (inability to
concentrate or think clearly).

People with disabilities or levels
of impairment which interfere with their functioning in
adult roles, creating an inability to live independently,
maintain employment, low educational attainment, and
difficulty relating to others.

People with strengths such as being
more accepting of difference and tolerating alternative
viewpoints, being more self-aware, and having a survivor
People with alternative viewpoints
such as a sensitivity to oppression and desire not to
oppress others, and a tendency to challenge "accepted

Where are they in the disability rights
movement? |
They are latecomers to disability rights
activism (with a few notable exceptions such as
Judi Chamberlin and
Howie the Harp), being out
in the community only since their deinstitutionalization
from hospitals beginning in the 1950s.

They've experienced minimal
self-determination since our society hasn't provided them
with adequate mental health services or choices in how to
use them when available.

They are seeking acceptance for peer
support and self-help among policy makers and mental
health/rehabilitation professionals

They are constructing representations of
"recovery" versus cure, where recovery involves rebuilding
one's life after diagnosis to an existence with dignity
and self-determination. Expressing sexuality and
establishing intimacy are part of recovery for consumers.

They lack an independent living movement
unlike the physical disability community, because of
perceptions that they should not receive housing
assistance and support.

They are trying to organize politically and
present a united front while allowing for diversity and
acceptance of multiple viewpoints in their movement.

How does society view and treat people with
mental illness? |
They are deprived of their civil rights in
the name of treatment and pubic safety in both
institutional and, increasingly, in community settings.

They are stigmatized and feared, partly
because of cultural representations of their
"dangerousness" in the media.

Their treatment often includes coercion
involving forced restraint, forced seclusion, chemical
restraint, emotional intimidation, threats, and bullying.

They are objects of socially-acceptable
humor, scorn, and humiliation.

What about their sexuality? |
Many are sexually active, studies show that
33% to 75% report being active sexually.

Most do not practice safer sex, studies
show that 66% to 75% do not use condoms.

Many have difficulty using contraception
for reasons that are economic, interpersonal, and

They enjoy sex a lot, although somewhat
less than nondisabled peers in some studies.

They consider intimacy and sexuality an
important life goal and human right.

Many repress their sexuality, worry about
its "normalcy," and internalize societal disapproval of
their sexuality.

Sexuality and Intimacy: Mental Health
Consumer Viewpoints** |
51% said they lacked a satisfying sex life

47% said they lacked a satisfying social

40% said they lacked warmth and intimacy

over 50% of board-and-care residents
reported lacking privacy in their everyday lives

50% felt that people with serious mental
health problems were incapable of having satisfying
intimate relationships

**From a survey of 325 mental health
consumers conducted by peer researchers in the California
Department of Mental Health led by Dr. Jean Campbell in
Barriers to Sexual Expression Among Mental
Health Consumers |
Lack of privacy in many residential

Histories of abuse & trauma

Lack of self-confidence & esteem that
impairs their ability for intimacy

Psychiatric medication side-effects can
diminish sexual performance & desire

Certain symptoms (paranoia, withdrawal)
inhibit ability to form relationships

Lack of service and supports for expressing

Difficulties Using Contraception and Safer
Sex |
Lack of knowledge & information

Most effective contraception not affordable
for those on limited incomes

Lack of privacy may lead to hurried,
unprepared sexual activity

Lack of support from providers & family for
using contraception & safer sex

Skills needed for negotiating safer sex
(persuasion, limit-setting) are difficult for everyone,
but especially for people with emotional difficulties

Issues for Women Mental Health Consumers |
Rates of childhood and adult physical,
sexual, and emotional abuse are high.

Fear of unwanted pregnancy for women who
have sex with men

Childrearing responsibilities facing single
moms may inhibit privacy & opportunity

Documented lack of women's healthcare
(gynecological, breast) for women consumers

Some medications may inhibit desire

Societal repression of all women's
sexuality affects consumers too

Issues for HIV-Positive Mental Health
Consumers |
Lack of coordination between the mental
health and HIV/AIDS care systems.

Disclosure regarding multiple statuses
(person with HIV/AIDS, mental health consumer)

Prevention services needed for sexually
active HIV+ consumers

Need for peer support and peer counseling

Need to address any co-occurring substance
abuse issues

Need support for adherence to highly active
antiretroviral therapies for HIV

Homophobia in mental health services and
mental illness stigma in HIV field

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Issues |
o R.
E. Hellman estimates that anywhere from 200,000 to half a
million gay men and lesbians have severe psychiatric
o Studies show that a large majority of GLBT
communities have been the target of verbal abuse (92%) and
nearly a quarter been physically attacked.
o Heterosexism and homophobia also persist in
the therapeutic community, resulting from gaps in the
education and clinical training of therapists.
o Aware of overwhelmingly negative societal
attitudes, many clients hide their sexual orientation from
health care providers.
o This creates a need for affirmative treatment
models in both inpatient and outpatient settings, including
psychoeducational approaches, support groups, and day

What can the community do? |
The disability community can support the
right to self-determination among consumers.

Mental illness stigma reduction needs to
happen in all professional fields

Consumers need empowering environments and
care providers.

Affordable contraception and safer sex
materials should be made available.

The consumer community can incorporate
sexual expression and intimacy goals into its movement

The larger community can educate itself
about how to stop stigma against mental illness.
