Writers Workshop
July 24, 2009 Pasadena
July 10, 2009 San Francisco

Good writing is writing that communicates, writing that changes minds. Whether authoring briefs, e-mails or letters, competent advocacy demands that we know how to write and how to write well. This workshop will help you learn about the writer's craft and yourself as a writer so that you will write more, write better and even write with pleasure.

This hands-on, interactive workshop is intended for people who want to improve their writing skills and become more lucid and powerful writers.

You will learn to:

Assess your current competency level


Use various strategies to improve your writing skills


Use the resources of Benchmark’s online Writers Café


You will leave with the outline of a plan and strategies to pursue to improve your writing.


Pre-Training Assignments:
San Francisco

Los Angeles

Special Offer!
Writers Tutorial Program