Persuasive Writing Inventory
Using a six point scale, a one (1) indicates serious problems or problems; a six (6) indicates no problem or outstanding performance. A three (3) or less indicates need for attention in this area. Four (4) or more indicates satisfactory performance.
Skill Comments
3. Point headings that focus the decision maker's attention on a specific legal problem in the case.

• Point headings focus on an independent ground of relief in the case.

• Strongest points in the argument are included as headings. Insignificant points are not included as headings.

• Headings and sub-headings are sequenced persuasively to lead readers to the writer's conclusions.

• For each heading, the number of sub-headings equals the significant steps of logic in the argument.

• Too many sub-headings fragment the argument so that readers can't quickly see how the argument fits together.

• Too few sub-headings hide the argument's logic.

• Each heading makes explicit the relief that the writer is seeking.

• Headings and sub-headings contain facts and legal rules that show how the law applies to your case.

• Headings and sub-headings are presented with forceful assertion.

• Headings and sub-headings are stated with precision, clarity and economy according to General Writing Competency #3.

• Headings and sub-headings conform to the mechanics of the language according to
General Writing Competency #4.


←Poor  Best→
