Writing Inventory
Using a six point scale, a one (1) indicates serious problems or problems; a six (6) indicates no problem or outstanding performance. A three (3) or less indicates need for attention in this area. Four (4) or more indicates satisfactory performance.
Skill Comments
5. Ability to perceive and respond to the implicit and explicit communications of others.

Responding effectively depends on the ability to read and decipher not just words, but implicit communications -- unstated messages and emotional undertones. Once these communications are decoded, you can decide whether to answer, dismiss objections summarily or not address them at all.

In crafting a response, you must consider your audience. See Competency 1. And be aware of your objectives. See Competency 6.

• Emotional or interpersonal factors that affect the communication are attended to.

• Implicit and explicit communications are responded to in a way that furthers objectives.

• Implicit and explicit communications are responded to in a way that does not jeopardize objectives.


←Poor  Best→
