Writing Inventory
Using a six point scale, a one (1) indicates serious problems or problems; a six (6) indicates no problem or outstanding performance. A three (3) or less indicates need for attention in this area. Four (4) or more indicates satisfactory performance.
Skill Comments
4. Ability to use the mechanics of the language.

Language is used properly including:
• Grammar and usage, e.g.,
- subject-verb agreement
- pronoun references (all pronouns refer to definite nouns)

• Punctuation
- Commas are used to:
* signal nonrestrictive or nonessential
* prevent confusion, and
* indicate relationships among ideas
and sentence parts.

- Unnecessary commas that make
sentences difficult to read are absent.

- Two independent clauses are linked
with a comma when used with a coordinating conjunction: ("and," "or," "but," "for," "nor," "so," "yet"). Other-wise, a period or semi-colon is used.

- Apostrophes indicate possession for nouns ("Jeanne's hat," "several years' work") but not for personal pronouns ("its," "your," "their," and "whose").
Apostrophes also indicate omissions in contractions ("it's" = "it is"). In general they are not used to indicate plurals.

• Spelling

• Capitalization


←Poor  Best→
