Writing Inventory
Using a six point scale, a one (1) indicates serious problems or problems; a six (6) indicates no problem or outstanding performance. A three (3) or less indicates need for attention in this area. Four (4) or more indicates satisfactory performance.
Skill Comments
1. Ability to write appropriately to a given audience.

• All information that a particular audience needs to understand about a particular event or concept is included. Nothing is included that seems patronizing or offensive.

• Issues are stated as simply as possible without compromising meaning. Issues are not made needlessly complicated. If precedents are included, readers understand how they apply to the facts.

• Any emotional or interpersonal factors that affect communication are handled appropriately.

• Elements of the writing are tailored to its audience(s):
- organization
- vocabulary, e.g., People First language, non-idiomatic English
- grammar
- tone
- format
- style
- citation
- form
- terms of art
- medium, e.g., post-it, letter, memo.

• Documents translated into a language other than English are accurate and culturally sensitive.


←Poor  Best→
