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Substance Abuse Self Study

Three easy steps:

1. Read the article Drug and Alcohol Abuse & Addiction in the Legal Profession.
2. Answer the questions below.
3. Submit your payment here.

Self-Assessment Test TrueFalse
1. Although incurable, alcoholism is treatable.
2. For lawyers and judges, addiction to prescription and illegal drugs is as common as alcoholism addiction.
3. An alcoholic is a person who is addicted to alcohol, i.e., someone who cannot control his or her consumption of alcohol.
4. Diagnosis in the early stages of most addictions is difficult because 15-20 years or more usually pass from first use to undeniable highly visible symptoms.
5. Studies conducted in numerous jurisdictions have pegged the rate of alcoholism in the legal profession at between 15% and 24%.
6. A recent study has suggested that 90% of serious disciplinary matters involve alcohol abuse.
7. No cure exists for addiction. It is a disease that can be fully arrested by abstinence.
8. Of the various theories postulated as to why addiction statistics are higher among professionals than among the general population, one is that a strong agreement exists among peers not to interfere with each other's freedom.
9. Of the various theories postulated as to why addiction statistics are higher among professionals than among the general population, professionals tend to be inner-directed and perfectionists with a resultant reluctance to help or be helped.
10. Less than 5% of alcoholics and drug addicts live on skid row. Most have families and homes, jobs and careers.
11. Typically, a lawyer aged 40 to 55 is at greatest risk of becoming an alcoholic.
12. Denial is inherent to the person suffering from addiction.
13. Participating in a Peer Assistance Programs for Lawyers is one of the most powerful ways to arrest addiction.
14. Most lawyers who suffer from addiction will become involved in disciplinary matters.
15. A lawyer with a drinking or drug problem can never recover by cutting back or slowing down.









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